iculous whon Mr. Legg followed it with the suggestion that ONE Magazine might have a series called "How Normal Can You Get?" illustrated by newspaper excerpts of cases liko the mot her who boiled the baby to death on the stove. He added that a study of biology would show that "nature" was not nearly as interested in reproduction as we've been led to believo.

A questioner from the floor asked Mr. Julber how we should go about getting the laws changed. Mr. Julber said "Just what we've been doing the last seven years." Mr. Julber continued that there must be much spado work to soften up public opinion first. The young man did not agree, "But wouldn't a change first in the laws accomplish this?" "No," said Mr. Julber, "statuto follows public opinion, not the other way around."

Roundtable Discussion


Moderators: Rt. Rev. Thomas Martin &Father Newman

The discussion was attended by approximately 19 men and 11 women. Father Martin introduced himself and Pathdr Newman as workers for 18 years in the field of homophile problems and in helping horcphiles to overcome their conflicts. Father Newman spoke for a short time on his interpretation of the question. He rephrased it to ask, "Is it necessary for one to have guilt?" He felt that it was not He contended that there was no condemnation by Christ anywhere in the Now Testament against homosexuality, pɔr se. He asked, "Why should any man feel guilty for following his natural inborn traits given 'n by God?" Good question; it seemed strange to hear a minister ask it though.

He took a dim view of St. Paul's writings wherein much of the oondemnation against homosexuality or any kind of sex is to be found. He felt that St. Paul lived one thing and preached another. He said that there was proof that Timothy was a beloved of